We collected a total of almost 2.2 million kilograms of food
In 2023, we collected a total of 2,181,062.74 kg of food worth PLN 27,938,655.92.
- Food saved from going to waste – food products that would otherwise be thrown away, e.g. due to the approaching expiry dates. We receive it for free from food manufacturing, processing and distribution companies, from farmers, and from stores.
- Food collected during public collection events – they are typically products collected during our collection events at stores (e.g. during the Holiday Food Collection Event), among farmers and sellers at Warsaw’s marketplaces and the Warsaw Agricultural and Grocery Wholesale Market (Warszawski Rolno-Spożywczy Rynek Hurtowy S.A.) in Bronisze, among company employees, and during one-off collection events. Thanks to our collection events, we are able to collect food with expiry dates farther in the future that is not at risk of being wasted and that we would have otherwise not been able to procure in the course of our regular activities.
- Foodstuffs received within the Food Aid Operation Programme 2014-2020 (Program Operacyjny Pomoc Żywnościowa 2014-2020) – they are food items manufactured in order to provide food assistance to people with low incomes.
Food items at risk of being wasted are the main category among those we hand out to people in need. The products we procure include, above all, fresh products.

We gave food to 144 Organisations and Institutions
The SOS Food Bank in Warsaw hands out food items to people in need via local NGOs and other aid institutions operating in the Masovian Voivodeship.
We carry out our activities in Warsaw and in the following powiats:
- garwoliński
- grodziski
- grójecki
- legionowski
- miński
- nowodworski
- ostrołęcki
- ostrowski
- otwocki
- piaseczyński
- pruszkowski
- sierpecki
- sochaczewski
- warszawski – zachodni
- węgrowski
- wołomiński
- wyszkowski
- żyrardowski
We collaborate with foundations, associations, religious entities, and local government entities (mostly with municipal government entities and social assistance centres).
We helped 29,756 people in need
The SOS Food Bank in Warsaw hands out food to those in need via local NGOs and other institutions offering food assistance in the Masovian Voivodeship.
We have offered our assistance to:
- people living in poverty,
- people with disabilities,
- people afflicted by homelessness,
- unemployed people,
- elderly people,
- single parents,
- large families,
- as well as refugees from Ukraine.