Our SOS Food Bank in Warsaw collects food from various donors.
Every day, our storehouse accepts tonnes of foodstuffs.
We are able to obtain the said food items owing to our collaboration with:
- food manufacturers and distributors,
- commercial networks,
- and farmers.
It is mostly food with approaching expiry dates, i.e. food at risk of going to waste. It has to leave our storehouse and be handed out to people quickly. These are also products that have been, for a variety of reasons, withdrawn from the market, but are still edible.
Just as important to us is food with more far-removed expiry dates. These items do not spoil quickly and give us a sense of security. We typically procure it through food collection events, such as the Holiday Food Connection Event or collection events for company employees or at schools.
Every year, we participate in a food aid programme aiming to help the poor, co-financed from EU funds.
Aiming to respond to the large scale of needs related to food aid, we also purchase food using money donated to us by individuals and companies.
Every year, we collect approx. 3,000,000 kilograms of food.
They are: fruits and vegetables, dairy products, dry products (flour, rice, pasta, etc.), processed products, meats and cold cuts, drinks, and sweets.
First, this food goes to our storehouse’s shelves, but it doesn’t stay there for long. All these kilograms of food are supplied, as fast as possible, to tens of thousands of people in need – those living in poverty or facing various crises – from Warsaw and the surrounding area. For this end, we collaborate with aid organisations and institutions.